Simon Speiser – ‘La visión del monte’
Galería Casa del Barrio
Guayaquil, Ecuador
19th August – 9th September, 2023
Before La visión del monte: A conversation between Simon Speiser and Yuliana Ortiz
Spectral figures project themselves and surround us, perhaps looking for us. Could they be ghosts, visions or simply our imagination? And, at the end of the day, will there be any difference?
These shadows are not foreign; they belong to us. The fragile structures that generate them were carefully placed in a kind of imperfect three-dimensional circumference similar to the vegetal nature of the Esmeraldas rainforest. Starting from his own memory, as both a living and shifting archive, Speiser recreates a new fictitious geographical space that, accompanied and mediated by the oral, technology and memories, shows us the solvent interweaving between nature and science.
Simon Speiser was born in 1988 in Regensburg, growing between Germany, Bolivia and Ecuador. In his work there is an interdisciplinary dialogue that ranges from writing, sculpture, weaving and printing to video and virtual reality installations. As an artist, he focuses on the development of new technologies as vital mediations to create bridges between the exchange of knowledge and time, combining the past, present and future in a kind of constant and ephemeral manifestation. Thus, the use of technology in Speiser’s artistic experience constitutes a sensory experience that allows memory to be activated, as memories and as a space to be designed, and brought back as a moldable material.
La visión del monte is Simon Speiser’s first exhibition in the city of Guayaquil. In it, he combines the limits of the disciplines, shows the scope of the exchange and reciprocal exploration between memory, orality and technology, developing the immanent capacity to deeply fictionalize the notions of time and space. Finally, La visión del monte goes beyond the commonplace of already well-worn concepts and introduces thresholds of strangeness, mystery and shadows, like atmospheres and presences that happen, like memories molded so that the words search for their meanings while we visit them.
Ivanna Santoro, 2023